Monday, January 28, 2013

Motivational Monday! ~ 1/28/13

Hey everyone!

Today I had my official first class of Anatomy & Physiology 1... that was 9am this morning... it's now almost 7pm and I can safely say, most of the day has been devoted to covering material for that class. Did I mention I have to dissect (for the first time EVER) a pig on Wednesday? Yeah... it's been a super fun day, to say the least. (That was sarcasm, people. That's very important to understand.)

Anyways, I hope your week is a bit more fun [and sanitary?] than mine! :)

My mom had mentioned this quote earlier, asking why I hadn't used it as a "Motivational Monday" quote yet. Well, she had a point. So here you go! And isn't it perfect for the day I just described? I'm scared to death of the amount of material and intimidation presented by this A&P class, but I can't let fear get in the way of my dreams and success.
Remember to have a positive day! :)


Monday, January 21, 2013

Motivational Monday! ~ 1/21/13

Hey everyone! So it's about 6:30pm here and it looks like Monday is coming to a close. It was an enjoyable one for me, as it was my last Monday off for the next 4 months as my fourth semester of college (wow, already?!) starts this Thursday. But I'm definitely rested and ready to tackle a difficult but rewarding semester!

I hope everyone had a good day and has a successful, enjoyable week and weekend! :)

I thought it was fitting to use a Martin Luther King Jr. quote today as today is the day America celebrates the very brave and powerful man. This quote struck my fancy... by all means, keep moving! Just because something is difficult or you're unable to complete a certain task doesn't mean you should give up on everything!
Remember to have a positive day! :)


P.S. Today also happens to be my mom's birthday. Happy Birthday to the best mommy in the whole wide world! ^_^ <3 

*Image credit to*

Monday, January 14, 2013

Motivational Monday! ~ 1/14/13 (x2!)

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting my weekly Motivational Monday post last week - I use my laptop for these posts and my WiFi wasn't working for some reason... still isn't, but right now I'm at my boyfriend's house using his WiFi. So fingers crossed for next week!

Have a great week everyone! ^_^

'Nuff said! Be better than your surroundings, no matter how bad they may be.
Once again, 'nuff said. I have the ultimate dream of becoming a successful makeup artist - but that dream won't become a reality unless I try my hardest to make it happen.
Remember to have a positive day! :)
